Our facilities are located in Puerto Varas, in the Los Lagos Region, Chile. From this place, we are devoted to the research and development of the potato culture.
We have a potato breeding program that is focused on the satisfaction of the current markets’ different needs.
Currently we are present in Canada and the United States, with three varieties being commercialized, and with more than 20 in the stage of agronomical evaluation.
In Chile, we have 3 varieties registered under plant breeders rights, TRAUKO-NS, ADARA-NS and KAIA-NS, and are currently in production under the seed certification program.
All of our varieties are developed under the traditional system of improvement and selection, and we don’t use any kind of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in any of our improvement processes.

Chile is a sub-center for the cultivated potato, and nowadays, practically all the varieties developed in Europe and North America have the Chilean potato as their ancestor. Our mission is to carry out a varietal contribution to the agro production chain, with varieties for emerging, traditional markets and for unexplored markets.

It’s to innovate the development of potato seeds varieties and to provide the producers with seeds that better adapt to the environmental and market conditions. We work today to strengthen the potato’s position and to contribute in ensuring a sustainable feeding for the world population in the future.

Research to innovate:
We are working to expand our knowledge about potatoes and to provide better seeds to our customers.
Added Value:
To stand out from our competition and to provide certified seeds to those producers requiring so.
We are working to achieve feeding sustainability using traditional methods of genetic development, where people constitute our main asset. We want to build trust relations among our internal collaborators, customers and producers.